The monthly newsletter focused on educating you about how to create the retirement of your dreams. By working to build wealth now, while also living your best life along the way, I help you plan for a truly abundant retirement.
March The Retire to Abundance Newsletter Is the other shoe about to drop? A quick look through my writings over the years makes one thing clear—at some point every year, I’m talking about volatility. When markets are up: “Uh oh, they must be heading down.” When markets are down: “Maybe we’re headed for a recession.” Each market cycle has its own twists, but ultimately, there’s nothing new about any of this. Inevitably, something will come along that scares investors, markets will drop, and...
February The Retire to Abundance Newsletter Love and Money: Love and money may seem like an unusual pairing, but for many of us, they’re deeply connected—not in a cringy “I love money” kind of way, but in how we use it to care for those who matter most. I define love as desiring what is best for the beloved. With that in mind, getting your financial house in order and creating a solid financial plan can be one of the most loving things you ever do. While Hallmark probably won’t be making a...
January The Retire to Abundance Newsletter Fry the Egg: Imagine this: You’ve decided to master frying an egg. You read books, watch videos, and learn all the theories about the perfect technique. But when you finally crack that egg, the yolk breaks, the edges stick, and you realize no amount of preparation could replace the experience of actually doing it. Planning for retirement works the same way. You can research strategies, calculate numbers, and envision your perfect future, but until...