Market Mood Swings


The Retire to Abundance Newsletter

Market Mood Swings:

Last Monday (August 5th) the markets were down an eye-popping 3%. To put that into perspective, that is a whopping $30k on a $1 million portfolio. These kinds of movements can be scary, but if you remain focused on the long-term and, most importantly, stay invested, you are able to see this for the minor bump in the road that it is. Investors who kept their money in the market have since been rewarded with a 7% increase in market valuations in just 8 market days. While the speed at which the market recovered is somewhat unusual, the fact that it did recover was expected. We are not yet back up to the record-setting mid-July highs, but I remain supremely confident that in the long-term the market will continue to increase.

Article of Interest

Unasked Questions

One of my unique traits as a financial advisor is to push my clients and readers to look at the big picture of retirement, not just the average things that all advisors look at. I highly recommend this article as it brings up multiple retirement related questions that I often see not discussed. Some of these questions can be easily addressed in a Family Legacy Meeting, which if you've been reading my newsletter for a while, you've heard about before. Some are questions I myself had never thought of and will be working to incorporate into my planning efforts with my own clients. I highly suggest you read this brief but thought-provoking article.

New Content From Retire to Abundance

7 Clients I Will Absolutely Never Work With

In my years as a financial planner, I've discovered who I work well with and who I don't. I am extremely confident in my ability to help clients that fit my company's model to have the retirement they dream of and live a truly abundant life, both before and after retirement. But that also means that I'm not willing to take on clients that are not a good fit for my expertise.

Some people I won't work with (that might surprise you):
→ The Ultra-High-Net-Worth Investor
→ The Active Investor
→ The Real Estate Investor

Read more about why I won't work with these clients and who else I won't work with.

How Does KPERS Work?

If you live in Kansas, you undoubtedly know someone with KPERS (Kansas Public Employees Retirement System). There are over 300,000 people in our state with this retirement program. But very few have had the system explained to them in plain English.

In this blog I cover topics like:
→ Retirement Eligibility
→ Benefit Calculations
→ Fun Facts about KPERS
→ And much more

Recent Media Mentions

I routinely get inquiries from reporters needing expert personal finance opinions. Here's just a few of the articles I've been quoted in recently. You can check out the rest on my media page.

Free Resource

Communicating your legacy plan to those you love may be the single greatest gift you can give to them. This six-page guide will step you through the process.

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The Retire to Abundance Newsletter is for education and entertainment purposes only. Nothing should be construed as investment, tax, or legal advice. Links to third party websites may contain content that is not approved by QED Wealth Solutions. QED Wealth Solutions, LLC is a registered investment adviser offering advisory services in the States of Kansas and Texas and in other jurisdictions where exempt from registration.

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The Retire to Abundance Newsletter

The monthly newsletter focused on educating you about how to create the retirement of your dreams. By working to build wealth now, while also living your best life along the way, I help you plan for a truly abundant retirement.

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